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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rink Race

As my profile suggests, I am proud to call myself both hockey mom and a ringette mom. But it wasn't always this way. Believe it or not, there was a time when I wanted NOTHING to do being in the "rink race". When our kids were younger, I remember seeing how much running around my brother-in-law and sister-in-law did with their kids (who I adore, and thank them every day for showing me the light!). I also remember thinking to myself that I never wanted to be that busy! Little did I know that being busy is synonymous with parenting! When my son was 6 years old, we put him in hockey (his dad's idea, not mine). I have to admit that it was a horrible year. I could not for the life of me wrap my head around the fact that my 6 year old had to get on all that gear (or rather I had to figure it out and get it on him). We had skates to tie, 6 am practices, ice times that were never the same week to week...the list went on. Thank goodness my husband did most of the 6 am and weekend practices. I was a mess for just about the entire year...I pretty much had full-on tantrums. I am not sure what all the stages are for anger, but am positive that I went through them unsuccessfully. I couldn't understand why hockey couldn't be twice per week on the same day and at the same stupid arena! Who would think to make us go all over the frickin city? It was ridiculous. Then....something happened. Our son's team had a year end "parent party" and I realized that all these parents were the same as us, and I was! But by the next year, I was back where I started, feeling the same way...angry at the ice times and frustrated that the huge (and I mean HUGE) hockey shorts could not fit over the skates (yes, I put his skates on first, and then told him to get his shorts on. It was not my finest moment). And again, something happened to shift my thinking. An out of town tournament. My eyes were opened for the first time that hockey was more than just about the children! It was about parents having fun and really getting to know each other. It was amazing!

Fast forward to my daughter starting ringette. I was a bit more in tune with the early ice times by the time she started, and a bit better at tying skates. The one down side was that I had just figured out what an "offside" was in hockey, and now had to figure out a whole new set of rules for ringette, another set of gear, and skates, it wasn't all great at first, but I was cured by the "outta town tourney" fix. I swear the only reason we love to go out of town is to party...I mean to see those kids play!

Now, our son has been playing for 6 years, and our daughter has been in ringette for 3 years. Some of our best friends are from hockey and ringette, where the kids and parents share the same passion. I absolutely love watching my kids on the ice! Of course its so much easier now...both kids are independent in the dressing room from head to toe, with the occasional request to tighten skates, or fasten a helmet. It is amazing to see how far they have come, and how far I have come. Not only do I accept that this is the sport of their choice, but I embrace it, and have to admit that this year when the season was over, I felt a bit...lost! I missed the parents and I think I even missed the rush of getting dinner on the table and getting to the rink on time. I find myself looking forward to next year, and to cheering on my kids and their friends, and of course seeing MY friends at the rink and getting my "outta town tourney" fix. Oh yeah! Party in room 408!!!!!


  1. Well done! Keep it up, especially now that the kids really enjoy it and you do too. Good stuff! So proud :)
