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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weight a Minute!

I am always trying to lose 10 lb, though this year it seems the "10" turned into 15 as I gained 5 at Christmas time. As I get older, it just gets harder and harder to do. Food is such a big part of my life, and I have no off switch! I eat if I am happy, sad, mad, name the emotion, and I can pretty much guarantee that I can find a food to make me feel better! Cheese, wine, cheese, cheese, wine....the list goes on.

But this time I feel I can do it, and maintain the loss (frick, I better, or I might get all depressed and eat a large bag of Ms. Vickies Salt and Malt Chips.......oh crap...why did I have to write that????)

OK...seriously, here are some tips for my 4th attempt at weight loss:
  • I limit all white foods...white rice, white bread, cakes, pastries
  • I include chocolate daily. Just a few chocolate chips in my home made trail mix of raw pecans and Thompson raisins....helps take the edge off.
  • I have been trying to drink my water...this will be day 5
  • I eat brown rice or quinoa instead of white rice or pasta
  • I always make enough supper so I can have a good lunch the next day
  • Yes, I am trying really hard to eat my fruits and vegetables
  • Meatless meals.....try it once in a while.
  • I don't typically snack after supper, though will allow myself to cheat once in a while
  • Exercise...well...I started hot yoga, didn't I???
OK...that's enough for today. All this writing about food is making me hungry. Frick!!!!

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