We had a NEW yogi tonight and she was tough! At one point my friend and I referred to her as evil. Note that she's not really evil and is actually quite sweet, but holy crap! Picture this...you are in your "table-top position" on all fours, and she says softly and slowly....raise your left arm and stretch it out in front of you (so far so good)...and now raise your left leg and stretch it out in back of you...(did she just say to raise the same leg and the same arm at the same time??), AND we had to do this while squeezing a frickin yoga-block between our thighs at the same time. All you heard during that move were groans (or were they ohmmmmmss...???) and the thuds from the blocks hitting the floor. Time for the second set of "same arm, same leg, stretched out..." but now she says... gently move your arm to the back, and gently (I now hate the word gently) kick your foot into your hand and raise it.... (What the frick? What is she saying to do?!?). Okay. Its yoga....only push yourself as far as you can go...no judgement happens here. And...breathe out. The downward dogging today was also a bit more tricky as I found out that you should not have to readjust your hands and feet to go from downward dog to high push-up /plank. Seriously??? I'll have to work on that.
But, in all honestly, sitting here right now at home, all showered and in my jammies, I feel great! I feel happy and I feel...not so old! Even though the evil yogi (who as I said is not really evil at all) challenged me today, the end result was the same...good for the mind, body and soul. And I am still going to go back for more! Namaste!
btw...I posted a link below...has one vulgar word at the end, so don't watch it if you don't like swearing. but if you are okay with it (I am) then make sure and watch til the end. Another friend of mine sent this to me before I even started yoga, and I thought it was pretty funny!
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