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Friday, July 6, 2012

Win Some, Lose Some :-(

End of week 2 for my weight loss challenge.....there's good news and bad news.   The bad news first...I gained 1 pound this week.  My weight this morning, after my "routine" was 162.4 lb.    Up one pound since last week.   The good news is that my "net" loss is still down.

The challenges this week
Summer is here, drinks on the patio, my mom was visiting (so we ate out a few times), trips to the Farmers Market, ate a few too many desserts, wine, etc...

Challenges for the week to come
The main challenge this week is that the Calgary Stampede starts today.  While we are not avid stampede go-er's, we will go once to the grounds and will have to enjoy some of the Stampede foods.  I have my eye and stomach on the Wisconsin deep fried cheese and Big T's BBQ and Smokehouse (our friends own that place, and its AMAZING!  Best new food at the Calgary Stampede 2 years ago!).   Deep fried cheese?  I know, sinful, but I missed it last year!  So really, it would be a sin NOT to have it, right?   And Big T's....well, that's easy, my friends own that restaurant, and I am being  a good friend by supporting them, so it would be wrong NOT to go there....right?  

My plan
I will have to avoid all processed and sugary foods EXCEPT on the day I go to stampede!  While it is probably best to avoid the whole thing altogether, regarding the food at stampede, for me this is a bit unrealistic.  My compromise is to choose two things, and I choose the deep fried cheese and to enjoy something at Big T's (hey, it could be worse...I could just say to hell with it and go for all of it...the deep fried wagon wheels, the bacon sundae funnel cake, the jalapeno corn dogs.....)

We'll see how this week goes, but I am determined to enjoy myself AND work my way down a bit more towards my goal of being in the 150's-zone!

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