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Friday, July 13, 2012

Breaking the Barrier...

End of week 3.   Post-routine weight is..........

161.4 pounds!

So while I am not exactly where I wanted to be at the end of week 3, I did manage to shave off a pound this week.  So that IS something to celebrate for many reasons:

1.  As you get older, every ounce, every gram that you lose needs to be celebrated.

2.  Today is the day that we go to the Calgary Stampede, and I have my list of foods that I will be indulging in and have the whole week to work my off the deep fried cheese, pulled pork poutine, jalapeno corn dog and deep fried pickles (okay, I may not go that crazy, but it's good to have a dream.

3.  I am closer to my goal this week than I was last week

4.  I feel great, even though up until yesterday it was tough to lower myself down on the toilet for any kind of activity down there....needed those rails on my wall.  All signs of a good workout, I am told!

So what are my next steps for this final week in my weight loss challenge?  I have to first keep telling myself that there is a bigger picture here...a "global goal", which is that this has to be a lifestyle and not a phase, or I will end up back where I started.  Next, I need to be okay with the fact that my goal initially set 3 weeks ago may not be reached.  And I am okay with that.  Perhaps my new goal could be just to squeak by that 160 lb mark, and go ever so slightly into the 150's.  This is adventurous, especially as I am indulging today!  I will have to do at least 2 bootcamps next week, plus may have to (sigh) do ADDITIONAL exercise (eek) to compensate.

So...the goal for this week....break that barrier, and head into the 150's with style, grace and a little bit of pulled pork poutine!

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