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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Boot Camp, Baby!

It sounds so simple....

...yet its just do darned hard to do!

So I finally did it.

I added exercise to my routine (today).   A friend of mine is a Certified Fitness Trainer and had a great summer deal to stay in shape (in my GET in shape).  I "ebb and flow" with my exercise.  There are times when I am very regimented and work out regularly with my yoga, and my zumba (the mighty flow) and then it just stops because I don't make the effort to make the time (alas, the ebb).

That's really problem though, isn't it?  To make the time for ourselves to BE healthy and to feel and look great, and ultimately defy the aging process!   I think about my day today and it was busy even though I was not at work.  I unpacked from our weekend camping trip, did some camping laundry, cleaned some bathrooms, took kids to their annual eye doctor appointment, drove to pick up my daughters friend (who is lovely!), prepped dinner......and I decided that my "me-time" today would be boot camp.  I don't like exercise, I am not good at it, but I can say that right now, I feel great!  And we even did burpies and I survived!

The result?  I am proud of myself for joining the summer boot camp, I took an hour of "me-time" today, and am happy that my exercise routine is no longer in the ebb phase, but in the if I could just keep it there!

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