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Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Big Stink!

Ok, so before you think I am going all "granola" on you, just know that I am not.

But, here's the scoop.  I have noticed that since I have "aged" a bit, certain deodorants do not work for me as well as I would like.  I don't stink, but if I can smell me, then I don't like it.  I have tried everything from no deodorant (ick) to combo deodorant / antiperspirant to just the antiperspirant.  I have switched brands, tried to see if lasering the hair under the pits would help....everything.   And again, I don't stink, I am not a "smelly" person, but I have noticed (on me) that with age, comes a more "ripe" odour that I don't like.   It's okay for cheese to age and ripen, but really, that's not what I want for me!!!

This is not a topic that people usually have with each other, but a girlfriend at work and I have discussed it because we both have had our own issues with this problem.   She recently sent me something she found on-line about making your own deodorant.  Again, I am not going all granola, but hey, at this point, I will try anything!   So, I tried it.  It was simple to make with pure ingredients.  This week, I was even able to put the home-made anti-stink concoction to the ultimate test as we were camping.  The result?  This stuff really WORKS and it is just amazing!

Some good quality coconut oil

Aluminium free baking soda (left)
and the arrowroot powder

Some essential oils

Here is the recipe and the ingredients I used.    All of these ingredients are available at your local organic market (Planet Organic for me!).

1/3 cup of coconut oil (solid state)
1/4 cup aluminium free baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder
essential oils (optional, but a nice touch)

Mix the baking soda and arrowroot powder in a glass bowl.  Add coconut oil (solid not melt) and mix with a pastry cutter or fork to thoroughly blend with the dry ingredients.  Add 5 - 10 drops of your favourite essential oil.  For my recipe, I added vanilla (thought I would just do something nice but not to overpowering).  It was also recommended to add 1 - 2 drops of tea tree oil for the anti-bacterial aspect of it.  I don't like the smell of tea tree oil, but with the vanilla, it was fine, and the tea tree oil smell has since disappeared.   Add more coconut oil or arrowroot powder / baking soda if needed until consistency is similar to a commercial solid stick style deodorant.  Note that I did not have to add any more.  Scoop mixture into a small jar or container and store at room temperature.  In summer months, you may have to store it in your fridge because coconut oil will melt at 76 degrees.

To apply, use your fingers to scoop out a small pea size amount and massage it into your armpits daily or as needed.  Allow a minute or two for the deodorant to set before getting dressed.

Remember..this is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant.  It won't stop you from sweating, but hey, you won't stink!

**another tip that I have not tried?  It was suggested to me to save your old deodorant and just scoop in your new home made one and just "roll" it on as you would usually do.  Have not tried this yet, but will do it next time for sure!

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