Hey Sherene, as promised, here is some info on my annual run. I started doing this run in 2001, the same year my mother was diagnosed. At a time where I felt lost and helpless against such a big and scary disease, I was introduced to a way to stand up to it. I was invited to join the Canadian Breast Cancer’s Run for the Cure. In October 2001, I joined thousands of others, including my brother Kelly and his wife Sherene, in the fight against Breast Cancer. I didn’t raise a lot that first year but I did find confidence and courage in the face of some very scary circumstances. Within the year, my mother finished her treatment and the cancer was defeated. She may have been out of the woods but I realized that so many weren’t. I decided to keep up the fight. I have proudly participated in the Run every year since.
I have done what I can to help fund research; some of it right here in Calgary, and have witnessed many success stories. Every year that I go, every story that I hear, it emboldens me to show Cancer that I am not afraid, that I will see it’s end in my lifetime. That one day my nieces will ask me “What's breast Cancer?”.
My totals in the past decade help show my commitment. For the first few years I didn’t keep as accurate records as I do now but I think they are still impressive.
2001-2005: $1,215.00
2006: $1,725.00
2007: $950.00
2008: $1,177.00
2009: $3,585.00
2010: $4,388.00
2011: $1,275.00
So far this year I have raised $185.00 in spite of my late start which brings my overall total to $14,500.00. This is an impressive total but I can do better, WE can do better. I urge anyone reading this to join in the fight and to spread the word. We can win and we WILL WIN against Breast Cancer. Help me help others by donating today. You can donate directly to the Canadian Breast Cancer website at http://www.runforthecure.com/goto/Tammyspage
Thank you for reading and thank you for standing up for the 22,900 Women and Men that will diagnosed this year. Thank you for your support and perhaps I’ll even see you out there on September 30, 2012 fighting alongside me.
Tammy Sieben
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