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Friday, October 12, 2012

Post Thanksgiving Weight

Question:  Why would I weigh in the day after eating turkey and stuffing and pie all weekend?

Answer: Because sometimes I think that maybe...just maybe this time I did not gain weight.  Yeah, right!

Oh well, so I was up 3 pounds after our double turkey feast, but I did my duty, and weighed myself, if for no other reason than to keep on track instead of derailing completely!  I weighed myself again today, and the 3 pounds is miraculously gone.  Okay, it's no miracle, because I was good with my eating this week, instead of cramming double helpings of pie and stuffing in my face!

So what have I learned?

  • My weight fluctuates.  Not new information, but it helps me to write it down

  • When I overeat, I gain weight.  When I indulge in too much booze, I gain weight.   (duh...kind of a no brain-er, but again, helps to write it out!).  

  • Weight fluctuates due to many things, not just overeating.  Fluid shifts, time of the month, amount of salt you eat,  amount of carbs you eat.  Total calories you eat, the exercise you do (or don't do!), etc... 

  • Did you know that 1 gram of carbohydrate holds 3 grams of water?   That means if you ate 400 grams of carbs,  you would be holding  an extra 1200 grams (that's 1.2 kg!!!) of water!   EEK!   And no, I don't agree with a Paleo-no-carb-diet, but really, this just puts it in perspective.  Does my body need carbs?  Yes!  Does it need 400 grams of carbs? NO!  Everybody need carbs.  We just need to choose the good carbs, and choose not-to-much-carbs.  There's my sermon on carbs!

So....the moral of this week's weight loss tale?  Don't be so hard on yourself, enjoy the special occasions, but maybe not the double-double of pie and ice cream.   

How many weeks til Christmas season starts?   Time to get moving!

1 comment:

  1. ... did not know that carbohydrate and water ratio.... thanks for sharing :-)
