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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blowholes and Craters and Tidal Pools (oh my!)

Haleakala Crater
The Maui Challenge Picture!   Friends of ours challenged us
to find this exact spot to take our family picture!  What a fun
thing to do!  Say Cheese!

Warning sign before the treacherous
hike down to see the blowhole
We did so many amazing day trips during our Maui vacation.  My husband read "Maui Revealed: 5th edition"  which is by far one of the best books to help plan your trip.  Besides some much needed beach time, we also planned a few field trip days to see some of the island sites.  Our field trips were definitely one of the highlights of our vacation.  Within the first 3 days, we saw the Haleakala Crater, the Blowhole on the northwest point of the island and the Olivine tidal pools.  The crater itself was breathtaking.  We drove up to the summit, and hiked up to a great picture spot.  We were 10023 feet above sea level!  The scariest part was when we were driving up to the crater, there were some extreme-sports dudes racing down the switchback roads at top speed on their skate boards, which completely freaked me out.  The Blowhole and the Olivine pools was another day trip and had its fair share of treacherous hiking....the sign says it all.  Thankfully we all made the hike with only one minor cut (yes, it was me!).  

I think what we enjoyed most about Maui was that there was so much to do, yet, there were also days where it was just as wonderful to sit on the beach and enjoy the view with a few Mai Tai's.   

The lookout before the crater...we were above the clouds!

The Olivine Tidal Pools

The largest pool here was great for a quick jump and dip!

Smile for the blowhole!

She's about to blow!



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