Both kids in 2009 donated to the Children's Hospital.
Their combined party-dontations totalled over $400.00! |

For the past few years (can't remember exactly how many) we have done "no-present-birthday-parties" for our kids. We are not mean parents, but we want to try and give something back to those in need. It all started because our son was invited to a donation-party where we were asked to bring in a new stuffed animal, which was to be donated to the Children's Hospital. Needless to say, we were inspired to do the same. Since that time we have tried different donation-type birthday parties as there are so many groups in need of help. We have done Children's Hospital parties, Food Bank parties and Red Cross parties, where the invited guests bring a donation (monetary or otherwise) for the intended recipient. The Children's Hospital parties were empowering for the kids as they got to sign and present an over-sized check to the Foundation and had their picture taken holding the big check! They also sent a letter in the mail to the kids, and called them "Everyday Hero's", which was very inspiring. The Red Cross and the Food Bank also sent letters to thank the children for their generosity. But since the those in need are too numerous to mention, it is important to us to donate to different charitable organizations. Two years ago, one of the kids was invited to a 50-50 party, where you bring money, and half goes to a charity of the child's choice, and the remaining half is for the birthday girl or boy to save and/or spend. What a great idea! We now do the 50-50 party for our kids, and yesterday, our son's birthday was no exception. I know it must sound strange, to have "No Gifts" written on the invite, and also to ask for money but I do specify that it is a 50-50 party and give details that half the money will go to charity. A huge
thank-you goes out to all the generous boys (and their parents!) who were here yesterday to celebrate our son's birthday, which raised 225 dollars, half of which will go to a charity of his choice. This year he wants to donate the money to support children who end up going to school hungry because they do not have enough food and we are currently looking into a few options and will decide by the end of the week. Our children have so much, and it is important for them to know that we can give back to our community and help others. I will end this post with a few bullet points that you may be wondering about...
- Our kids get actual presents as well, and they are not completely "gift-less"
- There are lots of ways to give back to the community and various people and groups in need. The 50-50 party is not for everyone, and I am not suggesting that children shouldn't get gifts
- It really comes down to what feels right, and what you are able to do. For us right now, this is a nice compromise, and the kids get a bit of something, but also give a bit back to those in need
Great photos- so inspirational. Proud of the kids!
Thanks! I just think we have so much, and its such a nice compromise! The kids get a little something, and they get to give back as well!
DeleteI would love to see an example of wording on the invite!