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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Waffle Bacon Sandwich (dipped in home-made syrup)

Last night, the kids and I were on our own for supper since hubby had a hockey game.  I did not feel like cooking, and would have been fine with a piece of brie and a baguette, but the kids had other plans.  While I don't usually  let them dictate the menu, we had no brie and no I was willing to listen.  They wanted to have breakfast for supper...a common meal in our house on days where we don't know what the heck to prepare.  Waffles.  Sounds delish.  Then, the icing on the cake...a full pack of thick sliced gourmet bacon waiting in the fridge.  Waffles and bacon.  Throw in some fresh strawberries and a glass of milk and you've got a full meal deal with the essentials...source of protein (milk); source of carbohydrate (waffle), source of fruit/vegetable (strawberries) and a fun food (BACON!!!!).

Then an idea struck...The Waffle Bacon Sandwich dipped in home made syrup.  What could be better than that?   And yes, home made syrup...easy and delicious.

From start to finish it really was a fantastic meal.  The kids and I prepared the meal together and chatted about school, friends, and just life in general.

There were even leftover waffles for breakfast the next morning...but sadly, no bacon.  We ate the whole pound on our own!

Recipe for home made syrup

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup Golden Syrup (not to be confused with corn syrup!)
1/2 cup of water

Bring above to a gentle boil, let cool and then add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.  

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