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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy New Year!

So I have been on a bit of a hiatus.

November: was filled with Christmas season busy-ness:  shopping, decorating, eating.  December had more shopping, more eating and ended with a great trip to Florida to see the folks.  January, as usual is a let down:  financial losses, weight gain, returning items that didn't fit.  and of course we can't forget making those "healthful" resolutions that will last at least 31 days.

But...what a better way for me to forget about the gains and losses, and show you a picture of the newest member of our family!  

Meet Lulu!  How could you not love this face???

Lulu stretching out...all 1.5 kg of her!
Our children have been bugging us (and bugging us and BUGGING us) for a dog for years.   "All our friends have a dog"  or "we promise to do everything" or "don't you love us?".    I too wanted a dog, but hubby was not too excited, and is not really a dog person.  Well, in November, he surprised me with his idea on what to get the kids for Christmas.  "I know what we should get the kids....a dog!".  I could not believe it.  His idea.  And he was serious.  We had originally wanted to wait until the end of our hockey/ringette season but we found our dog a few months early.  We met Lulu quite by chance while dropping off our son at a friends house.  Turns out, they breed dogs, and they were in the genre that we wanted:  dogs with hair and not fur, and small.  As soon as Lulu was put into my arms....I knew.   

We surprised the children for Christmas, and I can't even explain how excited the kids were.  They were in a state of disbelief when I had Lulu tucked away in my jacket.  It was an incredible moment.  

We've had Lulu with us now for just over a week, and I have to say she is doing amazingly well.  Her potty training is going well, and she hardly has any accidents now.  She eats well and poops on time.  I should really try and find a puppy growth chart and plot her on it!   She is playful and cuddly and the kids love walking her and we all help with the dog-duties.  

She is by far the best Christmas present, and she was worth the wait.

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