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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Body N' Sole!

Strengthen that core, tummies up and bums down!
Come can do it! 

I think something is wrong.

I am actually enjoying my bootcamp at 6 a.m. in the morning.  Or almost enjoying it.  Or...not dreading it.  One of those, but at the very least, I am not dreading it.  I joined my friend's boot camp again (her link is below...its Body N' Sole! Check it out!) right before Christmas, and crazy me...I was one of her "repeat offenders" and joined again for the January session (and I will probably join up again for March!  What IS wrong with me????).

When I first started (or started over again) in October, I could not even do 1 full push-up...I had to go from my knees...which is not bad, but the fact that I could not do a single push-up bothered me.  At the beginning I actually felt that I would never get there.   So it shocked the hell out of me when I realized that I actually could do it.  

At the start and end of each session, there is a fitness test where you do three things:  Sprint back and forth, do some step-ups onto a box and do push-ups.  Each thing is timed, and then you do the exact same thing at the end of the 8 week session to see if you improved.   Here are my results from last session, and while it's not an Olympic record, for me, the improvement shows me that I CAN do it.

Sprinting back and forth, 20 feet, timed for 2 minutes:  
  • First Session:  9 1/2 times   
  • Final Session:  12 1/2 times.  This number didn't change drastically for me, but the number improved slight.  Keep in mind I am averse to running.  So good for me for improving!
Step-ups onto a box, timed for 1 minute per leg.  
  • First Session Right Leg: 30, Final Session Right Leg: 29  
  • First session Left Leg: 21, Final Session Left Leg 28.  So my right leg was a bit less, but my weaker leg....I went from 21 step ups to 28!   Not bad for an old coot like me!

Push-ups, timed for 1 minute, and we are to keep track of how many full push ups, and knee push ups
  • First Session:  23 Knee Push Ups.  
  • Final Session:  15 Full push ups, 19 Knee Push ups!!!!   This was the biggest improvement for me, and the most meaningful.  At the beginning of the fall session, I had to start from my knees, and by the end, I could actually do a reasonable "bums-tucked-in" full push up (15 of them)!    

So what do I love about my bootcamp (or what do I tolerate)
  • My exercise is done by 7 am 
  • Super Fun! ( goodness...what is happening to me?)  
  • It's only 2 times per week...which is enough for me...anything else that I do is bonus (like dog walking!)
  • Every week is different...we work hard, and it IS hard, but she always makes sure the workouts are unique and different.  
  • My friend, the bootcamp-babe is so energetic, it is inspiring, and she gives me motivation to keep going!
So far, this is longest and most consistent form of exercise I have ever done.   Thanks Body N' Sole!   You have made me not dread exercise!  I may even be enjoying it (or enjoying the benefits of it, anyway!)  See you Monday morning!  I may even be on time!

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