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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sit Happens!

You sniff mine....

I sniff yours...

Puppy class.  It's "Junior Kindergarten", just done doggie-style.   After talking with friends who have dogs, it seemed like a good idea not only to train Miss Lulu, but to "train" us as well.  We have been to three classes so far, and I have learned so much....

1.  Wear clothes that you don't really care about (i.e., if coming from work, make the time to change into sweats!).  Puppies don't care what you look like, they only care that you care.

2.  Be okay that there will be other dogs...bigger puppy school.  And the bigger the dog...the bigger the.....poop.   Lulu's poops are like kitty poops...not all dogs poop like kitties!

3.  Expect other puppies to jump on you.  It's not okay that they do this, but you have to expect it, and then just get up / walk away.

4.  Have really special and stinky treats ready for your puppy.

5.  Don't take your purse.  You need all hands to manage puppy treats, the clicker, the leash and poop bags.  Use a fanny pack (yes...straight out of the 1980's) to hold all the puppy things, and then you can put your keys, debit card and driver's license in there too.  An all-in-one solution.  It's not pretty..but remember..puppies don't care what you look like!

6.  Learn the other doggies names.   It's just a nice habit to get into.

Who can resist this face???

A special thank you to the staff at "Sit Happens"...they are organized, knowledgeable and have your puppies best interest at heart!  I am by no means an expert, but am amazed at how much I learned so far, and equally amazed that I want to learn and do right by my puppy.

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