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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

love you edtti...xo

Tomorrow will be three years.  Three years of life on earth without him.  How is that even possible?  I still ask myself if it is real. But it is.  And maybe it feels worse because I am no longer in denial, or am I?   I still talk to him, write to him, but sometimes I want to hear him..what would he say to me?  What advice would he give?  

I searched my email today and typed in "Zaim" and scrolled through hundreds of emails.  It gave me comfort seeing our emails to each other about everything from organizing closets and desks to our jobs and our families.   I wanted to see his words.  Feel the words he wrote to me.  

His love for his job....

Hi Sherene I got the job in the private practice office just like you! only narda and I know so keep it on the qt till I tell you and know the details.
I love you everyday that there is
Fav uncle

OM(F!)G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so proud of u! And so happy for u! I had my private practice job today and just LOVE it!!!!!!
Love u everyday that there is!!!!!!

Thanks for your vote of confidence and love.
So glad I have you to confide in..I thank Allah that you love your job it is one non fattening ingredient in a recipe for a great life. 
Fav unc

Love for his family....

I love you everyday that there is.kiss all for me.
Merry Christmas. My Christmas is so happy Emir slept here with all of us . Allah be praised.
Fav uncle

His funny sayings that were soooooo him....

Gee the microphone pics them did I mention I love them 
Fav uncle

His love for my kids.....

Sooooooo cute beyond words you everyday that there is....kamea asked me what is there is
Fav uncle

My number one fan...

So proud of u
Fav unc

Saw you in the news wow wow
Fav uncle

Wow I am sooooooo happy for you.
Fav uncle whose niece is in the papers

So what advice would he give me about my job, my children, my family?  I already know this answer.    He was proud of me.  He loved me.  He is with me.  

I just need to read between the lines.  

Love you uncle Zaim, everyday that there is...xo

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