Simon (singing to me) |
It has been going on since 1983. Grade 9. I fell in love with Simon and his band. I was hooked, like many young girls my age. I spent all of my money on magazines featuring the band, I bought every album and single (remember the 45's?). I had 77 posters hanging in my room...thanks mom for never telling me to take them down. I bought buttons and pins, the most notable of them saying crude things about what I did with whom..."
I had s-- with Simon" etc... Again, thanks mom for not really saying anything about the pins. I used to sit in my room and listen to
Save a Prayer wishing that I was married to not one of them but
all of them (especially Simon). My friends and I each picked our favorite and just by doing this, they were
ours. We memorized birthdays, stayed up and watched Sam Taylor and Terry David Mulligan on Friday Nights hoping and praying they would play a Duran Duran video or interview the band. Remember
Video Hits and
Good Rockin' Tonite?? I remember the moment that
The Reflex came out. Our social media (back then) was the local radio station promising to play the new single after 6 pm. There I was in my room, armed with a blank cassette tape ready to record the new single so I could listen to it over and over again. Finally in my Grade 12 year when I lived in the US, I got a chance to see them live in concert, and even though it was just Simon, John and Nick....it was like a dream come true.
Roger |
Fast forward to 2005 when I saw them for a second time in Calgary. Here I was, married with 2 children, yet when we got to the Saddledome...I felt like a teenager again! The fact that we started in the worst possible seats and were moved 6 rows from the stage was also pretty amazing and one of my most memorable Duran-moments. There I was, screaming "I LOVE YOU SIMON!!"
I know he heard me.
John |
Last night, I got to do it for a third time. And for me...it honestly just gets better and better. The feelings and emotions I had as a teen, wishing for Simon to knock on my door and start singing to me (yes I did wish for that) all came flooding back. I surprised myself by knowing almost every lyric and intonation of those songs. and was on my feet dancing and watching in awe as those Wild Boys gave it their all on stage.
Now I suppose my view on Duran Duran is skewed. I will admit that. I was...am...was...in love with them (Simon) so I suppose I am biased. But on the flip side....for me and hopefully thousands of other ladies in their....
early 40's (!!) to feel like we are 16 again for a couple hours while we belt out
Rio, Wild Boys and The Reflex is totally worth it.
They still had that magical power over me and I know the next time I see them....it will still be all that and a backstage pass? Hey...a girl can dream....